Wilmington Sudbury School
Enrollment is Open year-round!
WSS is open to students, ages 5 – 18, who can be responsible, safe, and respectful while experiencing freedom in their educational program. All students must be able to follow the rules voted on at School Meeting.
Parents will need to apply and pay a $220 non-refundable application fee to start this process - $200 will be credited to the family's tuition if they proceed with enrollment.
WSS is currently enrolling students between the ages of 5-14 years old as time is needed in this environment before completing the diploma process.
When families have learned about self-directed education and are ready to pursue enrollment, they will contact the school and begin the application and enrollment process. This will involve a zoom meeting, a visit to the school, and then finalizing all the paperwork before the student begins.
This process can take some time, but we want to ensure that this is a good fit for the family, the young person, and the school as well.